Make your own enchilada sauce
Yes, you can make your own enchilada sauce! It's so easy, like making a white sauce. The best part is you can make it mild or not, thin or thicker, just the way you like it. I'm sure you have all the ingredients on hand. This recipe makes about the same amount as a 15 ounce can of enchilada sauce and can be used in any recipe you use enchilada sauce like Pineapple-Black Bean Enchiladas.
3 tablespoons vegetable oil
3-4 tablespoons flour (3 for thin)
5-7 tablespoons chili powder (5 is mild)
1/2 teaspoon salt
2 1/4 cups water
In sauce pan mix first four ingredients. Add water, cook on medium heat. Stir often till it starts to boil and thickens. Taste, add more chili powder if you'd like.
For micro wave oven, mix first four ingredients in a large glass bowl. Stir in water. Cook on high power for 3 minutes, stir. Cook for 3 more minutes, stir. Repeat till thicken.
I like making sauces in the micro wave, because you don't need to constantly stir the sauce. Just make sure your thickener (flour or cornstarch) is mixed in really good before you start cooking or the sauce will have lumps.
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Great recipe Ann! Thanks for sharing I had no idea how easy it would be to make enchilada sauce. You are right too, I do have all the ingredients on hand.
I keep meaning to tell Julie but I'll just tell you instead. If you're trying to get more traffic on this blog you should link up to On Fridays she does a recipe share where you can link your recipe up to her page. Just though you might be interested.
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