Mar 5, 2012

Chopped Pizza

Chopped Pizza is one of my family's all time favorites that I make.  They were also probably my dinner groups favorite as well.  My mom would make them for us as kids so to me they are comfort food.  Plus it's hard to go wrong with pizza!
They are really easy but do take some time, especially when making enough to feed four families! You start with a bag of frozen rolls, we've always used Rhodes Dinner Rolls which is actually where we found this gem of a recipe.  First, thaw the rolls according to the instructions on the bag.  
You'll need 2 rolls for every pizza you want to make. If you need 8 pizzas thaw 16 rolls.  I usually make a full bag worth because these warm up great for lunches or freeze well too.
Once the rolls have thawed and raised to the point were you would bake them, take a roll and cut it in half length wise.

Next cut it horizontally three times so that you have six pieces.

Place those six pieces on a well greased cookie sheet.
Now the fun part, pick your toppings!  We usually are boring and stick with pepperoni around here but we've tried many variations.  You can do almost anything such as olives, peppers, or sausage but I will say if you want to add pineapple (my favorite) do it after they bake. If you put pineapple on prior to baking that area of roll that is touching the pineapple comes out tasting soggy, yuck!
After you put toppings on the first layer of chopped up rolls, put on another layer of six roll pieces and toppings.  Another tip, I usually put my toppings on before the cheese because the cheese helps hold them in place.

They bake at 350 for about 12 to 15 min.
They come out looking oh so good!  We like to dip them in easy spaghetti sauce or ranch.  Trust me these yummies will go fast!

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