Feb 16, 2012


To say that my son loves milk would be an understatement. I now think it's safe to say he has a serious addiction issue. The other day as I was putting a full gallon of milk into the fridge I accidently dropped it which cracked the jug and spilt milk everywhere! I was able to save about 1/2 of the gallon then started to clean up the mess. I ran downstairs to grab some old towels and came up to find this . . . I guess he didn't want to see any of his precious milk go to waste so he decided to lick it up off the floor.

I know I should have stopped him immediately because that's really gross to be licking the kitchen floor but I had to laugh because for some reason this didn't surprise me.
So, I quickly snapped a few pics and then put both of them behind the baby gate so I could clean up the mess the right way. Neither of them were too happy about this.
 Yep, you are right, that is milk dripping off his chin. If anyone knows of a good rehab program let us know.



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