It's finally FRIDAY! It's been another crazy week at our house and I'm happy the weekend has arrived!
Did you know that on average a child laughs about 400 times a day? FOUR HUNDRED!!! To me that's a lot, I guess that's because I'm a boring adult. Can you guess how often adults laugh? According to this study it's a whopping 17 times a day. And I know there are days that I don't meet that quota. This makes me wonder what has happened to us humorless adults. Somewhere on our journey we have lost some of the most basic simple pleasures in life, like laughing. Not only is laughing fun but it's also good for us. Laughter releases the chemical serotonin into our brains which makes us feels good. It also reduces stress, relaxes us and helps us feel more comfortable in uncomfortable situations. I don't understand all the science behind it but there are a few things I do understand; laughing makes me happy and my kids make me laugh a lot. Having young kiddos around can often make things more stressful but also very comical. My son Jaxson in particular is quite the character (full of his share of ups and downs!) He's often saying or doing some of the funniest things, we've started calling them Jaxsonisms. I thought for this week's Friday's Five Favorites I would share with you a few of the funny things this kid has said. Just thinking everyone could use a good laugh! Maybe we can pump that 17 up at least for today!

(I apologize in advance for some potty humor!)
1. A few summers ago we were driving through a canyon when Jaxson loudly declared he had to go poop. Luckily we were able to find an outhouse in a campground because we could not convince him to go in the grass. He had no problem with an outhouse and made himself at home. He actually found the whole adventure quite fascinating, bugs and smells included. Jax was almost three at the time and because it was he first time in an outhouse I felt it was my motherly duty to be in there, holding onto him so he wouldn't fall in. (Can you imagine if he had fallen in? Yuck!) I on the other hand wasn't fascinated with the bugs and awful smells and was trying to get him to hurry the process along. I kept asking him "Are you done?" over and over. Each time he's calmly respond "No" and keep talking about the bugs that were surrounding us. I asked again and when he said no, I feeling a little exasperated exclaimed "You are a slow pooper!" He looked up at me and said with a quizzical look "I am?" "Yes, you are." I quickly replied. Finally, we were able to finish up and leave the amazing place and get back on the road. Later that day while I was introducing Jaxson to someone new he interupted me and said matter-of-factly "Hi, I'm Jaxson and I'm a slow pooper." It was one of those times that everyone couldn't help but laugh. I wish I could say that was the only time he introduced himself as a slow pooper but alas, I can't.

(Yes, he's eating toliet paper. All I can say is thank goodness that stage is over!)
2. While we are on the subject of introductions we also went through a spell just recently where Jaxson liked to introduce his whole family. He loves talking to whomever will listen and would introduce us to everybody possible. So, people at the park, church, library and grocery store would hear about his family. Luckily my husband isn't usually with us on most outings but when he is get often gets an introduction similar to this; "and this is my dad, he toots a lot." Keith always appreciates when he adds that in there.
3. We'll get all the potty talk done with this one. Potty training was quite the roller coaster ride with this kid, but we finally convinced him that wet or soggy pants aren't fun. One day at church Jaxson's teacher asked if anyone knew what one of the ten commandments was. Of course, Jaxson's hand shot up and when he was called on he matter-of-factly said "Never poop or pee in your pants." And in our house that's pretty much true.
4. One day when Jax was about 4 we were eating lunch and out of the blue he stated "Mom, sometimes girls make me fall down."
A little confused I asked "why is that?"
He then lets about a big sigh with a very slight smile and a dreamy look "because they're soooo beautiful."
I think we might be in trouble with this young Casanova on our hands.
5. When Jaxson was 3 we were going through our house and dejunking. We decided we'd sell online his little kid basketball hoop that we had kept in our basement. We figured he rarely used it anymore and would probably not even notice that it was gone. The day after we sold it as soon as he went downstairs to play he immediately noticed and was not pleased. It seemed to take hours to calm him down after I told him we sold it. He was not happy with us! The next day he asked for some grapes and unfortunately we had just ran out. When I told them that the grapes were gone he stared at me with disbelief and even a little hurt in his eyes and finally said in a very pouty voice "What! You sold my grapes too!"
He sure is a character and we wouldn't have him any other way! I hope you enjoy a giggle. Have a great weekend!