Nov 15, 2012

Heavenly Orange Rolls

For my family orange rolls are certainly a Thanksgiving tradition.  I could break into song but I'll resist.  I remember having these orange rolls at my grandma's house on Thanksgiving when I was a girl.  My eyes would grow big as the bowl of orange rolls was pass around the huge table we sat around for Thanksgiving dinner.  We only had them for Thanksgiving, this made them special.  Now that I make them, I know why.  They take a lot of time, (the dough rises three times) but they are worth every minute.  Take one bite, and you'll think you've died and gone to heaven.  Honestly they take time but anyone can make them.  My daughter Julie is definitely not a bread maker.  But since she lives too far away to come home for Thanksgiving she has to make her own orange rolls.  She says, it just wouldn't be Thanksgiving without orange rolls.  If you want to make rolls that will be the star of Thanksgiving dinner make Heavenly Orange Rolls.  Makes 24 smiles, I mean rolls.               
1 cup scalded milk (divided)
1 packet yeast (2 1/2 teaspoons)
2 tablespoons butter
3 eggs
1/2 cup sugar
1/2 teaspoon salt
4 cups flour (divided)

Zest from 1 and 1/2 oranges
3/4 cup sugar
6 tablespoons butter softened

 Sorry you can't see the steam.
To scald milk: Place milk in a heavy-bottomed pan on medium heat.  Stir occasionally until milk is just hot with steam and small bubbles appear around the edges; do not boil.  Remove from heat.
Pour 1/4 cup of scalded back into cup used to measure the milk, allow milk to cool to 110 - 115 degrees. 

Add yeast to the 1/4 cup milk.  Yeast will form bubbles, but not foam.
(If your yeast does not form bubbles, you need to start over.  Either your yeast is dead or you got it too hot.)  Place 2 tablespoon butter in remaining milk to melt.  (Leave the remaining cube of butter out to soften for the filling.) 

In a large mixing bowl beat eggs with a fork.  Stir in sugar and salt. Add yeast mixture and remaining milk and butter.  Stir in 2 cups of the flour.  Cover bowl with dish towel, let rise till doubled.  How long this takes depends on how warm it is.  It can take as long a two hours if it is cool. 

When dough has doubled,

add remaining two cups of flour.  Cover with dish towel, let rise till double a second time. 

While waiting for dough to rise zest oranges.  Prepare filling by mixing with a fork sugar, butter and orange zest.  

When dough is ready deflate dough and turn it out onto a well floured surface.  Roll dough out into a rectangle about 24 inches long and spread with filling. 

Roll up dough, starting with long side. 

Spray muffin tins with pan spray.  To cut into rolls, slide a piece of thread or dental floss under rolled dough and pull up around sides.  Cris-cross thread at top, then pull quickly.  Cut dough into 1inch thick rolls, place in muffin tins.  (You can use a cookie sheet.)  Cover and let rise.  They will rise more when first placed in oven.  Bake at 325 for 15 minutes or until lightly browned.  Try to wait for rolls to cool a little.  Remove from muffin tins while warm or they will stick to the pans.  



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