Sep 23, 2012

Peach Melba Trifle

It's Simply Sweet Sunday and we're glad you're here!  Today was a day of celebration at our house.  Why?  Because for the past week my husband has been on call (he's a medical resident) which means he's worked a lot of long days.  The kiddos hardly saw him this week because he left before they woke up and came home long after they were in bed.  Thankfully, this week is finally over and the call phone is no longer haunting us! We celebrated with one of the best ways we know how, dessert!!! 

With peaches still being in season I decided this would be the perfect treat.  We usually save trifles for company or parties because they look a little more fancy than some desserts, but this heavenly goodness has been calling my name for weeks now.

 The Peach Melba Trifle looks like it's merely angel food cake, pudding and peaches.  That combination would be amazing by itself but this recipe has a few surprise ingredients that really take your taste buds for a wild ride!

 Here's what you'll need:

An angel food cake cut up into about 1 inch squares
About a 1/2 cup of orange juice
1/4 to 1/2 cup of raspberry preserves
4 to 5 sliced fresh peaches (I have made it with canned peaches before and it's still awesome!)

For the creamy melba you'll need:

1 (14 oz) can of sweetened condensed milk
1 1/2 cup water
1 small box of vanilla pudding
2 cups of Cool Whip

In a large bowl combine the condensed milk and water, then mix well.  Next add the pudding and beat until blended.  Chill this mixture for at least five minutes.  Once mixture is ready fold in the Cool Whip and 1 tablespoon of orange juice.  Now, you're ready to assemble your delicious trifle!

 Start with a thick but even layer of angel food cake.  Angel food cake is one of the lowest calorie cakes out there so don't feel bad about popping a few in your mouth during the process!

Next, sprinkle the cake with 2 tablespoons of orange juice.  The cake will absorb the juice and give it a little extra kick without making it soggy.  Then add a thin layer of raspberry preserves which will add another element of fun for your taste buds!  

 Top with a generous helping of those delightful fresh peaches!

Top it all off with a thick layer of the creamy melba.  Then repeat the layers again, double up on all the goodness! 
 Once your trifle bowl is filled to capacity you can garnish it with almonds, mint leaves or extra peaches to jazz it up a bit.

And you've done it! You've just made one of the most heavenly desserts out there!  This dessert is for sure a winner in our family.  Dig in and enjoy!


1 comment:

  1. that looks like way too much for just your little family! Maybe my big family needs to come visit :) We should get together soon!!
