Aug 27, 2012


One of the reasons I anticipate tomato season is Bruschetta, I love it! 

I buy a baguette and cut two pieces 3-4 inches long. I then cut them in half long way making a top and bottom. I butter each piece and place then on a small cookie sheet.

I toast the bread in the oven under the broiler. Watch it closely because it doesn't take long, less than a minute.

Top toasted bread with tomato mixture and then with grated mozzarella cheese.

Place in oven under the broiler till cheese is melted.

Tomato mixture for bruschetta:

1 cup tomatoes cut into small pieces
1/4 cup finely chopped onion or green onion
8 leaves of fresh basil finely chopped or 1 tablespoon dry basil
garlic salt
black pepper

Combine all ingredients. Let sit in stainer for about 10 minutes or more to strain off some of the tomato juice. I like to use Roma tomatoes they are less watery.


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