Although I can't claim to be an organizational queen I do have a few tricks up my sleeve that help me stay sane. Probably my most important tool is my white board in my office. On it I have things written out so I can see it daily, what's going on and what I need to do. It helps me keep focused.
I start with daily goals. Where I write down six, usually small, things that I'm going to get done that day. I started this when I first had a baby I felt like all I did is take care of him and that I never got anything accomplished. With the daily goals I can see what I am getting done even if it's small. I can go to bed now with the house in chaos but feeling good because I met my goals for the day. I always try to have a goal on there that's going to make me feel better about life, such as exercising or calling a friend to talk. And of course I don't always get them done, life happens and sometimes it just doesn't work out. If I don't get it done then I usually leave them up for the next day and try again.
Next is weekly goals. These are bigger projects that I want to get done. I try to pull something off my big to do list and put it on here. Then in my six daily goals I set up smaller goals to help me get the weekly one done. For example, one of my weekly goals is to organize the office then I wrote down file for 15 minutes on my daily goal list.
The rest is pretty much self explanatory. I have the big to do list, which always seems super long. I find if I write it down I'm much less likely to forget and it's more likely to get done. I'm one of those people who loves to cross things off a list. Then there's a don't forget column so I don't forget a birthday party or upcoming event. A column for people I need to email and one for people I need to call. I'm one of those people who often listens to a message but can't call the person back right then and then I forget it all together. This just helps me remember.
This white board isn't a magical answer to all my organizational problems but it sure helps. It helps me keep my head on straight and more importantly it helps me feel like I actually do get something done each day.
Thanks for the tips Julie--I need all the help I can get with organization!